Target disease
According to the clinical experience and research by Dr. Yamamoto and others, YNSA has been used for the treatment of all kinds of pain (neck, lumbar, shoulder, head), neuralgia, undefined clinical complaint (such as vertigo, tinnitus, insomnia, menopausal symptoms), hemiparesis, paralysis, speech disorder due to brain hemorrhage and infarction, intractable disease, and Parkinson’s disease (1). At “Scalp Acu Angel”, the following disorders are the main target, as these will be especially beneficial, if YNSA is used according to Dr. Koide’s experience.
- Severe pain such as frozen shoulder, lumbago, especially acute type pain. Severe pain due to damage by sporting activities
- Symptoms due to neurological disorder such as Parkinson’s disease
- Paralysis of limbs and face due to brain hemorrhage or brain infarction
- Various symptoms due to auto-immune diseases