TOP Scalp Acu Angel-YNSA(Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture)tokyo,kanagawa house call

Scalp Acu Angel

To those who sent message from this HP, and have not received response(2017/5/18)

Scalp Acu Angel
Medical Doctor
Hiroshi Brook Koide, M.D., Ph.D.

By using YNSA, very unique scalp acupuncture, pain, paralysis and neurological disorders will be treated by physician.  Dr. Koide will visit patient’s home or hotel where patient is staying.  Health insurance cannot be used.

This unique acupuncture is very effective and the response is very quick against pain such as frozen shoulder, severe neck stiffness, lumbago.  In general, it is more effective on acute orthopedic pain rather than chronic pain.

Recovery from paralysis after brain hemorrhage or stroke will be accelerated in many cases.  If the treatment is started earlier, the effect is stronger.  Should be combined with rehabilitation.

For cases like neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, if the patient does not want to take medication, this acupuncture will control symptoms for extended period.

If schedule allows, Dr. Koide will visit patient’s home, and do treatment on the day of the first contact around Tokyo area.  Appointment will be taken at any places within Japan.

As acupuncture is done by physician, according to the current medical system in Japan, charge should be covered 100% by patient.  National health insurance system cannot be used for this treatment.

reaf Scalp Acu Angel
Medical Doctor  Hiroshi Brook Koide, M.D., Ph.D.

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  • To those who sent message from this HP, and have not received response(2017/5/18)
    I have just realized that some of the automatically generated e-mails from this HP have been sorted into junk mail folder. If you have tried to contact me, and did not receive response, please contact again. I am sorry for this inconvenience.
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  • To healthcare professionals who has interest in YNSA(2016/11/9)
    >> (To healthcare professionals)  Introduction to YNSA